Aden Fisher

Undergraduate Major/Minor

Major in Environmental Studies, Minor in Mathematics, Minor in Astrophysics


SSHRC CGS-M Award, MES Entrance Scholarship

Research Interest

Food System Sustainability, Social Movements, Environmental Justice.

Thesis Topic

Youth Food-Climate Activists Perception of and Relationship to the City of Toronto Government within Food Systems Governance. 


Professor Michael Classens

What interested you in the MES program?

The opportunity to complete a thesis-based Master's program in 12 months and combine fields of study that were of interest to me including geography, sociology, political science, and environmental studies.

What aspects of the program do you enjoy? What did you hope to gain/are currently gaining from the program?

Being able to work closely with your supervisor and having the opportunity to conduct community-engaged research. Through the program, I hope to strengthen my analytical and critical thinking skills as well as refine my interests within food systems research.

Future Aspirations (career, education, etc.)

I hope to pursue a PhD in Geography followed by a career in academic research or non-profit community organizing.

Anything else you'd like to add (interests, hobbies, relevant previous experiences, etc.)

My previous food systems research in Toronto includes work with urban agriculture practitioners and community food organizations.


Research poster with information on youth activists for food-climate justice